visual artist
‘a feeling, a tought, a moment,
manual, digital,
through the rich colored language called art’
born March 15, 1975 in Tilburg, The Netherlands
lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
studied Fashion, Design & Strategie @ HVKA, Arnhem, The Netherlands (1997-1999)
internship @ Xuly Bet, Paris, France (1996)
studied Fashion, Textile & Styling @ AMFI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1993-1997)
- # multi discilplined
- # past | present
- # me | you | we
# head till toe
- felt | feel
- seen | see
- heard | hear
- tasted | taste
- touched | touch
- # chaos | order
# solutions
- think | rethink
- material | shape | color
# the known | the unknown
- # in | outside
- # borders | space
- # open | closed
- # forward | backward | forward
- # manual | digital
- # dark | light
- # end | endless